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30 years old and no red jujube

Update time:2018-01-20 Author:admin

China is the hometown of jujube, the history of jujube is quite long. As early as 3000 years ago, "Book of Songs" records "in August October by the jujube peel, rice", the Han Dynasty bronze mirror engraved with "a fairy not old, hungry thirsty to drink Liquan jujube" of the poem, which is an overview on the date of the nutrition and medical value. The test showed that jujube is rich in the essential nutrients of human body, such as protein, fat and mineral elements, such as calcium, phosphorus and iron, especially a lot of vitamin A, B and C. With red dates, Diospyros lotus jujube branch, is our common red dates.

'red dates contain vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B2, vitamin P and other vitamins, called "berry crown". Vitamin P can improve human capillaries, prevent hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Red dates containing benefit from the chemical composition of the health iritani ammonia acid, lysine, arginine and other 14 kinds of amino acid, malic acid, tartaric acid and 6 organic acids, 36 kinds of trace elements of flavonoids and phosphorus and potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, etc.. Chinese medicine believes that the red dates can nourish the blood, has always been regarded as folk Qi Jiapin, can cure haggard, muscle loss, blood disease is not smooth. Red dates can also prevent anemia, purpura, and women's climacteric mood irritability. Modern medicine shows that the cyclic adenosine monophosphate contained in jujube has the function of dilating blood vessels, improving the nutritional status of myocardium, enhancing the contractility of the myocardium, and improving the normal activity of the heart. The crataegic acid in Chinese jujube has anti fatigue effect and can increase the endurance of human. In addition, jujube can also reduce the toxicity of toxic substances to the liver. It can be seen that the medicinal value of jujube is very high. There are many prescriptions for dietotherapy with jujube in the literature of Yi Xue. Red dates to go nuclear, add pepper boiled cooked to eat pepper jujube soup can cure stomach; with jujube 100 grams of concentrated decoction, jujube drink juice, 3 times a day, can cure anemia; the red dates and wheat, licorice decoction beverage service, of thrombocytopenic purpura, menopause, fever and sweat, anxious and preoccupied mood excitable has nourishing effect.

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