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Modern healthy food red jujube rich in three kinds of anticancer components

Update time:2018-01-20 Author:admin

Chinese red dates to the qihm class, called the sweet flat, has run cardiopulmonary, cough, make up the five internal organs, deficiency of treatment efficacy, motility in gastrointestinal function is not a weak and poor digestion and absorption function, is very suitable for eat red dates to improve gastrointestinal function and poor physical strength gain. Only for the stomach is swelling, should add some ginger Tongzhu, not only contributes to flatulence.

Red dates and dates the two ingredients, efficacy similar to, but dateplum persimmon has enhance the healing effect. According to modern pharmacological research, red dates enhance the physical, strengthening effect, high sugar content of red dates can be heat, also good containing rich protein, fat and vitamins, especially contains vitamin C, almost in the fruit of the crown, the red dates can be said to be natural vitamin pills.

The most special thing is that red jujube contains cyclic phosphoric acid (cAMP), which can expand the coronary artery and enhance the contractile force of the myocardium. In the spirit of tension, heart upset, disturbed sleep or general climacteric syndrome, the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine often with red dates, red dates mainly has a calming effect, so the usual if life is stressful, may wish to add some red dates with the food in the main dish soup.

The content of vitamin C in red jujube is very high, and contains the components of cyclic phosphate, adenosine and hawthorn acid. After research, it is confirmed that all three above all contain the effect of inhibiting cancer. That is to say, jujube has good effect of preventing cancer and suitable for healthy food in modern environment.

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